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Disastrous weather
Summary: The moist, warm air current that condenses across relatively cold ground is a typical advection fog. It was caused by warm, humid advection that occurred near 925hPa.
Summary: The case has deepened as existing advection fog changed to advection-radiation fog. As wet and warm advection continued; continuously supplying water vapor and it condensed actively by radiational cooling.
Summary: It is an example of an advection-radiation fog that started with radiation fog. It is expected that warm advection developed during the dawn and developed even more deeply. Warm advection continued afterwards, and fog still remained.
Summary: It is an example of frontal fog caused by saturation of the ground due to precipitation under the frontal surface. This can be seen 12 hours ago, when the inversion of the lower layers and cumulonimbus clouds developed.
Summary: It is a case of advection-radiation fog caused by the inflow of warm and humid air and radiation cooling during the night. And this radiation cooling creates inversion layer near the surface.
Summary: It seems to be the case of the advection fog caused by the north wind. The cold air of China has become humid as it passes the west sea, therefore Jeju's 500 hPa atmosphere get cold and humid and advection fog occurs.
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